Coaching Cultures Explained on the Nice Guys on Business Podcast

Listen to the podcast on coaching cultures here:


Last week, I was invited to be a guest on Doug Sandler’s podcast, “The Nice Guys on Business” to talk about coaching cultures. I’ve never been on a podcast before, so it was a fun experience for me and one I’m going to explore more! We talked about what a coaching culture really is, how to incorporate coaching-based leadership into your everyday life and my experience at Starbucks I wrote about in “A Little Love at Starbucks.”

As I explained to Doug, coaching cultures embed “in the moment” coaching and feedback approaches into your day-to-day interactions. During the podcast, we explore this concept and how to start implementing a coaching culture in your organization.

Coaching cultures are founded on the core principles that make coaching work: igniting insights that inspire people to learn and push the edge on what’s possible. What would happen if that was the way everyone interacted throughout your entire enterprise?

Learn more by listening to the podcast by visiting this link.

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