Leaders: Avoid This #1 Time Waster

Avoid wasting time with coaching.

Do you think that telling people what to do is faster than offering “in the moment” coaching?

Our numbers say otherwise. Here’s why that miscalculation is likely costing you—and everyone involved—a lot of time.

When you tell people what to do, you train people to use your brain instead of theirs. That’s why you can’t get your own work done. You’re too busy telling everyone else how to do theirs.

When you coach people in the moment, they learn to think for themselves. People who trust their own judgment are better able to solve their own problems, so you don’t have to. And their increased confidence and capability means they can get more done. That’s more time saved for you and for them.

When you tell people what to do, your highest hope is that they will comply with your directive. There is no motivation or learning there.

When you coach people in the moment, they find answers that work for them, so they’re engaged. That means you don’t have to keep following up with them over and over, and over again. Imagine how much time and energy you’ll have when you’re relieved of that burden.

When you tell people what to do, you either need to take a lot of time to learn all of the intricacies of the situation or risk that you may be telling people the wrong thing to do. Missteps can be very time consuming and costly.

When you coach people in the moment, you engage them in meaningful dialogues where you learn with and from each other. That enables you, and them, to focus your efforts where they will make the greatest difference. That’s a more efficient use of everyone’s time.

Coaching-based leadership “feels” like it’s wasting time when you are first learning how it works. The more competence you gain, the more time you will save.

Want to learn how to offer “in the moment” coaching faster? Check out Cylient’s Coaching Moments app.

Want to know if you’re a coaching-based leader? Take our free assessment and find out.

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