How Pairing Coaching and Complexity Can Rewire Our World

"In the moment" coaching and complexity can rewire our world.I believe that complexity and “in the moment” coaching were made for each other for the purpose of accelerating transformational change during the volatile times we are currently experiencing. Here’s why I think that…

Have you ever noticed that our world began getting way more complicated back in the early ’90s when coaching, as we now know it, first entered the scene? In many ways, coaching and complexity have grown up together, going from being novel ideas to becoming multifaceted forces in their own right. I don’t think that’s an accident.

While we perceive them as separate things, when complexity and coaching are inextricably paired, they bring out the best in each other. And as a result, they bring out the best in everything they touch.

When “in the moment” coaching approaches are used to decipher complex change, people are better able to learn with and from each other, in order to discern where the most valuable opportunities are. They are also better equipped to have the incisive conversations needed to turn those connections into new ways of thinking and doing things.

That’s because “in the moment” coaching enables people to address the emotional side of change with compassion and clarity. When this happens, people are able to get to the heart of issues faster and arrive at shared insights that create shared engagement.

“In the moment” coaching only delivers that kind of sustained transformational value when it is offered with the intention to be of service to others. Coaching that is directed at manipulating, pushing or punishing others won’t deliver lasting value because people resent and resist it. Simply put, bad coaching kills any kind of change.

When coaching is successfully used to evoke the potential that complex change offers, it infuses that change with the intention of being of service to others. When people collectively focus on being of service, they become better people and they do more meaningful and impactful work.

That’s why I believe that when “in the moment” coaching becomes part of an organization’s culture, the partnership between coaching and complexity creates a crucible for true transformation, that has the potential to transform us all, and the world that we share.

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